Friday, April 8, 2011

How Do You Feel About Lying?

How Do You Feel About Lying? Do the Ends Justify the Means? Can You Regain Trust?

I've never understood the logic behind lying. If someone could somehow justify the reasoning behind it for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. If there's one thing I've learn t growing up, it's that lying does no good for anyone.
Liars - those who have previously lied, presently lies or repeatedly lies, whether for necessary reasons or not. What is it about lying that they find satisfaction in? Is there some sort of rebellion, a sense of accomplishment, a form of adrenaline they get for lying? Forgive me, for I am truly biased, but I can't stand a liar, and I don't pity those who get themselves into trouble for being untruthful. From personal experience - being the individual at the other end of the spectrum, I know what it feels like to be lied to. If the individual that's lying to you is someone close to you, than how can't you help but feel betrayed, hurt, or insulted. Why would someone lie to you. Aren't you their friend, their relative, their coworker? Can they not trust you enough to be honest with you? Are they concerned with the fact that perhaps you'll be judgmental if they discover the truth - whatever it is. I don't know.

Let me know what you think. Do you feel the same way I do? Can you recall any of your own personal experiences where you were the individual lying, or where you were the one being lied to?

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