Monday, April 11, 2011

Limos, Dress Hunts and Promposals - It's That Time of Year

The senior class of 2011 is getting ready for graduation, and what does that mean? That's right, Prom and all the traditions that come along with preparing for the memorable event. With the celebration only three months away, students are already overly excited and advanced in their preparations.
Half of the girls have already bought their dresses for the occasion; ranging in length, colour and texture. Others have planned trips to nearby cities in order to find their ensemble for the evening and others, like myself have yet to go shopping and are beginning to feel slightly anxious. Today the female half of the graduating class tends to create a group on Facebook as a way of avoiding awkward situations at the prom itself. In other words, girls use the private group as a way of ensuring no one ends up with the same dress, and etc. The group for my school in particular is already hyped with the prom buzz and a multitude of pictures of the dresses girls have already bought for the occasion.

Besides dresses, friends are excitedly planning their limo arrangements, booking hotel rooms, and discussing who will be hosting various garden parties and where. Not to mention, the tickets for the prom and after prom are already for sale. So you can only imagine how students are feeling.

Promposals. Now if you haven't heard of a promposal, it's basically like a proposal, but for prom. Yes, they've already begun, and yes, I've witnessed a few. All at once, seniors are pairing up for the occasion. The promposals themselves are sometimes flashy and public, or personal and sweet; ranging between individuals and their promposal  preferences.

As for me, I'm far from prepared for the occasion. Yes, I have an image in mind of what my dress will look like, and yes I've made plans to head down to Montreal on Good Friday to go shopping for this dress. But nonetheless I feel unprepared in comparison to my friends who have their dresses carefully hung in their closets, awaiting prom night 2011. I'm not going to lie, I'm anticipating the event and everything it's been made out to be, but I don't want to have high expectations, because I don't want it to be a disappointment. So personally I feel it best to take it slow, and approach prom when it finally arrives. I don't feel the need to over think anything, or put major thought into it all. Prom for me is the closing of a chapter in my life. One that needs to come to an end. So I don't want to rush into it, and forget about everything else. Prom is only part of graduating. I don't want to spend the last three months of school obsessing over the event's details, because as soon as the day roles around, it'll be over as soon as it begins. I'll enjoy prom when it comes, and when it's time. For now I'm more concerned with enjoying the rest of my grade 12 year. Though I'm done with High School and ready to move on to University, I want to be able to remember my final year of High School, not just Prom.
Let me know what you remember about your own prom? Did you go to your prom? What sort of traditions were popular amongst your classmates? And if you're a part of the class of 2011, than let me know how prepared you are for the event, and what you're thoughts are. Class of 2011 baby!

Friday, April 8, 2011

How Do You Feel About Lying?

How Do You Feel About Lying? Do the Ends Justify the Means? Can You Regain Trust?

I've never understood the logic behind lying. If someone could somehow justify the reasoning behind it for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. If there's one thing I've learn t growing up, it's that lying does no good for anyone.
Liars - those who have previously lied, presently lies or repeatedly lies, whether for necessary reasons or not. What is it about lying that they find satisfaction in? Is there some sort of rebellion, a sense of accomplishment, a form of adrenaline they get for lying? Forgive me, for I am truly biased, but I can't stand a liar, and I don't pity those who get themselves into trouble for being untruthful. From personal experience - being the individual at the other end of the spectrum, I know what it feels like to be lied to. If the individual that's lying to you is someone close to you, than how can't you help but feel betrayed, hurt, or insulted. Why would someone lie to you. Aren't you their friend, their relative, their coworker? Can they not trust you enough to be honest with you? Are they concerned with the fact that perhaps you'll be judgmental if they discover the truth - whatever it is. I don't know.

Let me know what you think. Do you feel the same way I do? Can you recall any of your own personal experiences where you were the individual lying, or where you were the one being lied to?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Should Schools be Scent Free?

Okay, so here's an issue that's been floating around for a while now, and that's whether or not schools should be scent free. Now, if you're wondering what I mean by scent free, I'm referring to the debate of whether or not perfumes, colognes, body sprays or any other fragranced personal care items, should be banned from schools.

In the workplace or learning environment, fragrances have been proven to negatively affect people’s studies and work. Not to mention, they can be irritants to any individual, and dangerous to those with such things as asthma, respiratory problems, and poor immune systems. It’s not uncommon for people who have been over exposed to fragrances to experience symptoms such as; dizziness, headaches, nausea, stuffy nose, or tightness of the chest. Just imagine how many chemicals you’re ingesting on a daily basis.

Sure, we all want to smell nice, and of course we don’t want to smell like BO, but I mean please put the bottle down. There’s a limit to everything. People can only take so much. If I can smell you down the hallway, there’s an issue. In fact, I should only be able to smell you if I were right next to you. Scented products are meant to be subtle and non-intrusive, not overwhelming and nauseating. If you’re a scent abuser, take this as a hint, and limit the amount that you’re applying on a daily basis. You want to smell fresh, but you definitely don’t want to be causing the people around you to feel as though their about to be sick. It’s understandable when you’ve used the same fragrance for a long period of time, that you become accustomed to the smell and oblivious to the amount that you’re actually applying, but remember, and take into consideration the people around you.

Have you ever suffered symptoms from someone’s use of fragrances? Are you guilty of abusing your perfume or cologne? Do you feel policies ensuring scent-free environments should be emplaced in order to promote better air quality in your workplace or learning environment? Let me know what you think on the matter. Share your opinion.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Should Family Day Exist?

Family Day – one of the newer legislative holidays to be added to the Canadian provinces of Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan, is coming up on the 21st. Said to take place on the third Monday of February, the holiday is also to referred to as Islander Day in Prince Edward Island, and Louis Riel Day in Manitoba.
The Question is; should Family Day exist? If it does, should it really be called Family Day? Will you spend even 10 minutes with your family on Family Day? These are the questions that are up for debate.

In my opinion, I believe it should exist. First of all, it’s a holiday – a day off from work/school. It’s a day to sleep in, to catch up, to relax, to have things eliminated from your long ‘to-do’ list, or to do nothing at all. Who could say no to another holiday? Not to mention, I believe the holiday has a great idea behind it. Sure some will debate whether or not people will actually use the day to spend quality time together as a family, but that’s beside the point. It’s up to them to choose how to spend their holiday. I think it’s great for parents who have younger children and are often to busy with work and the usual responsibilities of being a home owner. It’s a day they can dedicate to spending with their kids who, let’s face it – will be too old for the holiday within a couple of years. Families can plan fun activities or outings for the day, and focus on having quality time with their kids. This isn’t to say that teenagers won’t spend the holiday with their family. Though they may choose to spend it with friends, many are bound to stay home for the day and spend at least an hour out of the day with their mom or dad. I have, and though we didn’t do much, simply relaxing and being home with nothing scheduled was satisfactory for the both of us.

Let me know whether or not you have anything planned for Family Day. How much time do you plan on spending with your family, or do you plan on doing other things? In any case, let me know how you’ll be spending your day.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Home Schooling - Does It Really Save Kids Lives?

Alright, so lets debate the concept of homeschooling and whether or not it ‘saves kids lives.’ Anyone can see that homeschooling has many advantages and disadvantages. So why not compare the pros and cons, and see whether that sways your individual opinions on the matter.

So I’ll begin by listing the reasons for which someone may choose homeschooling as a personal preference. Homeschooling allows for parents to be in control of the curriculum and material their children will be taught, because they will be personally involved in their child’s education. Which means that parents can easily chose to tailor the program to each individual child and their personal learning style, whatever that may be. It not only allows for lots of quality time between parents and children, but it promotes freedom; physically, emotionally, and even religiously, while ensuring parents can instil their individual values on a daily basis. Not to mention, because parents are granted control over their child’s education, they also are given more control over their child’s social whereabouts and extracurriculars. It becomes easier for parents to schedule activities along with their education.

On the other hand, homeschooling also has many negative aspects, such as; financial restraints and time restraints, because homeschooling requires a lot of time, which could be out of the question for parents who wish to work a job on the side. Another issue that comes to mind is ensuring that their children are meeting the provincial standards. Also, though it may be nice to spend time with your kids, and take an active part in their education, spending time with them 24/7 may cause some issues as they grow up. However, one of the biggest concerns for parents who may be considering homeschooling is whether or not their children will acquire the social skills they require. That’s not to say their children will not grow to be as socially equivalent to those who attended a regular school institution, however they are less likely to learn things for themselves. It may tend to be a little more difficult when you’re living outside the norm.

In my opinion, homeschooling could be very beneficial academically but not so much socially. Though parents may make it in their best interest to ensure their children develop in social situations, it’s not the same as a school environment. I also believe that though it may work for many families, I feel that if I were a child growing up homeschooled, that I’d be too sheltered from the world. I would never learn to fight on my own, to figure out who I am through interactions and experiences in a school environment. The good and the bad that I’ve experienced growing up in the institutional academic system have made me who I am today, and I have no regrets.

So let me know what you think. Let me know why you agree or disagree with the concept, homeschooling; yay or nay?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Should Aron Ralston be Famous?

35 year old American mountain climber and public speaker Aron Ralston. If you haven’t heard of him yet, then you’re sure too soon. So in case you have no idea who I’m talking about, then let me refresh your memory, and educate you on the man whose story is now known amongst many. Ralston; with a hobby and passion for hiking and canyoneering, set out to Blue John Canyon in easter Wayne Countu, Utah in April 2003, not having let anyone know of his whereabouts or plans. While there, a boulder became dislodged, crushing his right arm and pinning it against the canyon wall. After 5 days of salvaging the little water he had, and attempting to dislodge his arm, Aron had little hopes of surviving, and carved his name, date of birth, and presumed date of death into the side of the canyon wall. In a last attempt to save his life, he decided to amputate his arm from the elbow down using a dull knife. After finally freeing himself, he rappelled down a 65 foot sheer wall, and hike out of the canyon. He was rescued by helicopter 6 hours after amputating his arm.  

The story itself is documented in Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Ralston’s 2004 autobiography, and most recently the 2010 film 127 Hours starring James Franco.

Now what seems to be up for debate, is whether or not Aron Ralston should be ‘famous’ for his story. Personally, I feel as though the man had a strong will to live. Who wouldn’t? It takes courage to do what he did, to be as strong as he was, and I feel as though who are we to decide whether or not he should be credited or rewarded for his actions? Aren’t there others who have been through life altering experiences and have received attention for it? It’s a part of life. We’re fascinated by others near death experiences. Stories like Aron’s draw our attention and peek our interest. Therefore the fact that Aron is receiving fame over his story, does not surprise me, nor does it bother me.

Social Networking

Has it gotten to the point where if you don't, you are a social outcast?

Social Networking has allowed us to keep in touch with many more people than would have been humanly possible in the past. Friends from kindergarten, high school, univerisity, former co-workers, casual acquintances, friends of friends, or people we would have never possibly considered socializing with.
Social Networking may be time consuming, with all the blogging, tweeting, texting, posting, liking and so on, but It keeps you out there and keeps you connected. It is the new wave in communication. Without it, you may tend to be out of the loop, socially.

Today, the majority of people rely on social networking as their main source of information and communication for various matters, including; work, education, hobbies, personal matters, gossip, and of course the latest world news. Social networking wouldn't be as powerful as it is today, if people didn't use it to their own advantage. There's something in it for everyone.
However, can you see it in my eyes, hear it in my voice or sense it in my physical mannerisms? Do you feel the energy in my expression or lack there of? Even if you could just pick up the phone and hear my voice you might be able to tell how I really feel. Hear me laugh, smile, cry. I would hope that we will always keep this direct form of communication for our dearest friends, otherwise we truly risk becoming social outcasts. Masking ourselves behind a keyboard all the while masterfully selecting appropriate words to make a statement, get a reaction or possibly hide the true underlying emotions.

The problem with social networking, is when people forget that it's just another form of communication and they become consumed and dependent on various forms of social networking as their main form of communication. Social networking is there as a way of enhancing the communication experience. When people rely on it as their main form of communication; they may become even more of a social outcast because they will never be capable of being present with those who actually matter in their life.