Friday, February 11, 2011

Home Schooling - Does It Really Save Kids Lives?

Alright, so lets debate the concept of homeschooling and whether or not it ‘saves kids lives.’ Anyone can see that homeschooling has many advantages and disadvantages. So why not compare the pros and cons, and see whether that sways your individual opinions on the matter.

So I’ll begin by listing the reasons for which someone may choose homeschooling as a personal preference. Homeschooling allows for parents to be in control of the curriculum and material their children will be taught, because they will be personally involved in their child’s education. Which means that parents can easily chose to tailor the program to each individual child and their personal learning style, whatever that may be. It not only allows for lots of quality time between parents and children, but it promotes freedom; physically, emotionally, and even religiously, while ensuring parents can instil their individual values on a daily basis. Not to mention, because parents are granted control over their child’s education, they also are given more control over their child’s social whereabouts and extracurriculars. It becomes easier for parents to schedule activities along with their education.

On the other hand, homeschooling also has many negative aspects, such as; financial restraints and time restraints, because homeschooling requires a lot of time, which could be out of the question for parents who wish to work a job on the side. Another issue that comes to mind is ensuring that their children are meeting the provincial standards. Also, though it may be nice to spend time with your kids, and take an active part in their education, spending time with them 24/7 may cause some issues as they grow up. However, one of the biggest concerns for parents who may be considering homeschooling is whether or not their children will acquire the social skills they require. That’s not to say their children will not grow to be as socially equivalent to those who attended a regular school institution, however they are less likely to learn things for themselves. It may tend to be a little more difficult when you’re living outside the norm.

In my opinion, homeschooling could be very beneficial academically but not so much socially. Though parents may make it in their best interest to ensure their children develop in social situations, it’s not the same as a school environment. I also believe that though it may work for many families, I feel that if I were a child growing up homeschooled, that I’d be too sheltered from the world. I would never learn to fight on my own, to figure out who I am through interactions and experiences in a school environment. The good and the bad that I’ve experienced growing up in the institutional academic system have made me who I am today, and I have no regrets.

So let me know what you think. Let me know why you agree or disagree with the concept, homeschooling; yay or nay?

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