Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Social Networking

Has it gotten to the point where if you don't, you are a social outcast?

Social Networking has allowed us to keep in touch with many more people than would have been humanly possible in the past. Friends from kindergarten, high school, univerisity, former co-workers, casual acquintances, friends of friends, or people we would have never possibly considered socializing with.
Social Networking may be time consuming, with all the blogging, tweeting, texting, posting, liking and so on, but It keeps you out there and keeps you connected. It is the new wave in communication. Without it, you may tend to be out of the loop, socially.

Today, the majority of people rely on social networking as their main source of information and communication for various matters, including; work, education, hobbies, personal matters, gossip, and of course the latest world news. Social networking wouldn't be as powerful as it is today, if people didn't use it to their own advantage. There's something in it for everyone.
However, can you see it in my eyes, hear it in my voice or sense it in my physical mannerisms? Do you feel the energy in my expression or lack there of? Even if you could just pick up the phone and hear my voice you might be able to tell how I really feel. Hear me laugh, smile, cry. I would hope that we will always keep this direct form of communication for our dearest friends, otherwise we truly risk becoming social outcasts. Masking ourselves behind a keyboard all the while masterfully selecting appropriate words to make a statement, get a reaction or possibly hide the true underlying emotions.

The problem with social networking, is when people forget that it's just another form of communication and they become consumed and dependent on various forms of social networking as their main form of communication. Social networking is there as a way of enhancing the communication experience. When people rely on it as their main form of communication; they may become even more of a social outcast because they will never be capable of being present with those who actually matter in their life.

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