Thursday, November 18, 2010

What the Heck is That Smell?

Curdled milk, vomit, body odour, or all of the above? One of the hallways at Colonel By Secondary School, smells overwhelmingly of something peculiar, intrusive and nauseating. Arriving at school early, walking down the hall towards my tech class room, when I was hit by a smell that made my stomach turn. At first, as I made my way down the hall, I suspected it was body odour. The track team happened to be in that morning, and because the weather wasn't suitable, they were using the upstairs halls as there track. So maybe someone forgot to use deoderant? Nope, that couldn't be right. The smell was far too strong. Maybe someone threw up in the garbage? Yeah, that had to be it. However, the smell didn't subside, rather it got worse, and for days rumors spread. One girl claimed it was someone's stinky gym shoes in the locker next to hers. Another rumoured that someone had spilled hot chocolate in their locker and had never bothered to clean it up. Eventually the school had to get involved and after questioning a few students who had lockers in the infected hallway, the scent was washed away and the school was back to normal.

So, what do you think the peculiar smell was?

smell ya later!

Ali (: xo

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