Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's resolutions; we've all heard of them at some point or another. Every year, on the first of January the question is; What are your New Year's resolutions?

New Year's resolutions are personal goals, aspirations or objectives set by an individual with intentions of leading towards a more positive lifestyle change or an improvement of some sort. Examples of resolutions may include anything general from improvements in health, finances, career and education, to anything as simple as procrastinating less, reading a book a month, or walking the dog more often. It's a matter of personal ambitions and aspirations.

The issue is whether people can actually accomplish the resolutions they claim to make at the beginning of the year. Come February, some people may tend to forget the silent promises they'd made to themselves at the beginning of the year. I guess it depends on the individual and how self-motivated they are. It depends on the character. In any case, many don't even think of coming up with resolutions, or giving the topic a second thought. The New Year, in other words, is a strange sort of clean slate for many, and that's most likely the reason we choose to make what have come to be known as 'New Year's Resolutions'.

So, do you believe in New year's resolutions? If so, what are your resolutions for the year 2011? What is it that you want to accomplish? What is it that you want to succeed, or excel in? What is it that you want to do for yourself and no one else or for others? And lastly, what is it that you want to see happen in 2011?

As for myself, I'm undecided with regards to resolutions. Considering I haven't really kept loyal to previous self-promises, I want to make realistic goals in which I'll be able to achieve and insure that those goals will be ones that will benefit not only myself but everyone else in my life.

So, let me know what you have planned for 2011!

Oh, and by the way, happy New Year! (:

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